I have a long and successful history working with North Carolina Community Colleges. Back in my consulting days, I spoke regularly on campuses like Blue Ridge CC and AB Tech, and my salary in Statesville was paid, in part, by Mitchell Community College as part of an innovative program to better engage the college in economic and community development. When I came to Anson County in 2016 one of my first meetings was with Dr. Maria Pharr, then a candidate for South Piedmont Community College (SPCC) president who subsequently got the job. From that very first meeting we have largely seen eye to eye on economic issues and the role of SPCC in developing a workforce that will allow the county to compete for 21st Century jobs. On October 23rd, I had the opportunity to hear Dr. Pharr share some of the accomplishments of the college over the past 18 months and assess critically where SPCC and Anson County are with regard to creating that modern workforce. The event was held ...