If you follow AnsonEDP, you probably saw the announcement yesterday about something called REV Uptown, but what is it, really, and what will it mean for Wadesboro? REV Uptown is an audacious and forward-thinking project being undertaken by the Anson Economic Development Corporation with support from Anson County, the Town of Wadesboro, the Anson County Chamber of Commerce, Anson EDP, Uptown Wadesboro and the Anson County Tourism Development Authority. Located in the old Roses building at 114 West Wade Street, it will be a 3,400 square foot facility that will house a coffee shop, visitor center, offices of several key community development organizations and a business incubator and co-working space which will attract business start-ups and provide local entrepreneurs with a place to get started. The Rev Uptown concept simultaneously addresses several issues identified by those organizations and by the public at-large which impact the ability of the community to grow and develop: ...