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Showing posts from March, 2022

New Studio Apartments in Uptown Wadesboro

  It’s been a while since any new second-story story residential has been developed in Uptown Wadesboro, but we are pleased to report that the 124/126 West Wade studio apartments project is moving along and should be ready to lease by summer. Second-story residential is a difficult nut to crack due to all of the federal and state regulations, but kudos to Chipper and Mike for their determination to make it work.

New Dunkin Opens on 74 Strip in Wadesboro

Exciting morning at the new Dunkin ribbon-cutting in Wadesboro. Folks were lined up around the block to be one of the first 50 cars to go through the drive-through and win free coffee for a year.

NextGen Services Opens New Burnsville Office

This morning, AnsonEDP participated in the ribbon-cutting for the new Centralina NextGen Services office in Burnsville. NextGen provides workforce development programming for youth and young adults. Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) it outlines a broader youth vision that supports an integrated service delivery system and provides a framework through which states and local areas can leverage other Federal, state, local and philanthropic resources to support In-School Youth (ISY) and Out-of-School Youth (OSY). Notably, WIOA shifts the primary program focus of the youth formula programs to support the educational and career success of OSY.